The Forest Wiki

The Forest is a PC survival horror game in Alpha that is being made by Endnight Games. 442==Features==

  • World: Enter a living, breathing forest with changing weather patterns, and plants that grow and die. Ocean tides that roll in and out with the day/night cycle. Below ground explore a vast network of caves and underground lakes.
  • Player Freedom: Chop down trees to build a camp, or start a fire to keep warm. Scavenge food to keep yourself from starving. Find and plant seeds to grow food. Build a small shelter or a large ocean side fortress. Decorate your home with found items. lay traps and defenses to keep a safe perimeter.
  • Gameplay: Explore and build during the day. Defend your base at night. Craft weapons and tools. Bunker down during the evening or bring the fight directly to the enemy.
  • Fight or Sneak: Use stealth to evade enemies, or engage them directly with crude weapons built from sticks and stones.